Pop Up  Pools

Bespoke training programme for the operator, ensuring they have the knowledge and are able to achieve the necessary compliance to operate the pool.

Safety First

Pop Up Pools Water Safety
Pop up pools are fast becoming a popular choice for schools to be able to deliver swimming lessons for their children.
We create a bespoke training programme for the operator, ensuring they have the knowledge and are able to achieve the necessary compliance to operate the pool.

Get it Right

Training from Pool Training Services 
Only competent trained people should operate plant and handle chemicals. In meeting this requirement, the training for the safe operation and use of equipment and chemicals will need to be related specifically to the design, operation and maintenance of the particular plant, hazards associated with it, and substances used.
All pools should have an appropriate level of technical operation and supervision. The details depend on the type and use of pool.

Need to Know

Full-time cover: in order to comply with Health and Safety responsibilities and comply with the PWTAG CoP, a qualified, trained and competent technical operator should be available on-site/on call during all hours of operation at any of the following:
  • Public pool with more than 120m3 of water volume
  • Public pool with more than 120m2 of water area


All swimming pool water facilities without a full time, on-site qualified, trained and competent technical operator should have an on-site designated supervisor. This supervisor should be capable of testing the water quality as recommended by PWTAG and know how to make adjustments as needed to maintain water quality as specified in the PWTAG CoP. They should also be knowledgeable and competent regarding the operation of the facility in terms as required in the pool’s PSOP for both normal and emergency action plans.
We can deliver the appropriate training for your team ensuring your business is compliant and your clients are safe.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call us

  +44 (0)7989 422 225

Pool Training Services. Offering an extensive range of practical Pool Plant Operators Courses and training across the UK and Europe.